
Identifying Culture

Can you define your company’s culture? Are your values and goals clear and do your staff know what is expected of them? These can seem like tough questions but there is a rapidly growing school of thought that a well-established company culture can be the difference between success and failure. Read more...

Ways to Measure Culture

Wouldn’t it be far easier to achieve your business goals if every staff member and manager was on the same page? There’s no doubt that established and refined company culture can catapult your business to a new level of success. Read more...

Measuring culture

Are your employees happy? Are you content with the level of productivity in your business? More importantly, is your company culture aligned with your values and goals? All of these questions can be answered by measuring [the] culture in your company, and that may be the single most important process you embark on this year. Read more...

Importance of measuring culture

Did you know that maintaining strong company culture is just as important as employee productivity and turnover? We would even say it’s more important because not only does it affect the way your employees communicate with each other and your customers, it has the potential to help your company achieve its goals. Read more...