Not All Heroes Wear Capes

Team Hero helps you recognise the secret heroes in your company and reward them for their deeds.

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Awesome companies already using Team Hero

logo of concept ventures logo of cavendish banqueting logo of FCI london logo of dimdum logo logo of lean kitchen network


Leave No Hero Unsung

Reward those who go the extra mile and build trust within your team.

Growth & Support

Let employees know their voices matter.

Effective Communcation

Encourage dialogue and teamwork.

Sense Of Value

Make their contribution feel essential.

features image
Image of a trophy for testimonials


Culture Is Key

Create the right culture and the best people will stick around.

"Team Hero offers phenomenal advice that we've been able to implement in our workplace. The culture of our company has definitely changed for the better!"

Image of user from testimonial
Firdaus Nagree
FCI London


Heroes Are Made, Not Born

Team Hero helps you create a team of individuals who are excited to step up to the plate. Boosting their pride boosts your productivity.

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achievement passport
Achievement Passport
cultural alignment
Cultural Alignment
sharing ideas
Sharing Ideas

Start Your Free Trial

Unmask the real heroes in your team.
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